Monday, October 10, 2016


Thank you for stopping by my archery blog. I'm an archer/mom/writer who started archery two years ago with the Victoria Bowmen Archery Club (Victoria, BC Canada) and am loving it, loving it, loving it! I shoot a Hoyt Grand Prize Horizon Recurve bow. I'm no expert, and I'm not a coach - I'm just an archer-girl who loves to shoot. But as a new archer I had, and still have, many questions when I started the sport and given how often I get the same questions from new archers I meet (some folks even find me online and write me!), I figured I would start a blog with info, links, and maybe a bit of inspiration. Again, I don't claim to be an expert - I just hope to get you shooting and keep shooting!

I'm not endorsing any one product or company, nor do I have qualified technical knowledge nor medical advice (if it hurts when you do 'that,' don't do 'that,' I say). Most of my pages will have links to other websites (I'm not a sports writer nor a professional archer), but throughout this site I will share little tidbits I've picked-up here and there, all in the spirit of helping another archer.

I'm a target archer, shooting an Olympic Recurve bow, so my experience is restricted to that style of archery. This site, as well as my archery skills, are both still under construction - any errors/mistakes/boo-boos are my own. I have a lot to learn about the sport, and look forward to sharing what I learn with you! Hope you'll stop by again!
